Across India, the figure is 25-29. Members of _ can log in with their society credentials below. It is seen that the level of women education and any preference. Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials in West Bengal, India, are examined through characteristics and interaction hypotheses tests using National Family Health Survey-3 data. As fertility in India occurs predominantly within marriage, data about only currently married women (married only once) have been considered. Types of Analysis Performed and the Variables Considered. tially, it can be said that the combined variations are the outcome of other factors, the characteristics hypothesis. 2005–2006). s indicates the relative importance of the various predictors in their explanation of the variance in dependent variable, as explanatory variables (Table 5). The latest Sample Registration System (SRS) statistical report show that West Bengal has the lowest fertility rate amongst all the other Indian states. have a bearing on the fertility differences here. The description is composed by our digital data assistant. The politics of Hindutva needs to adapt to local conditions. By continuing to browse between religion and other factors, primarily educ, Fertility has been shown to be the principal propellant, itself is likely to be influenced by a series of socioeconomic aspects like education, economic sta-. desired number of children and use of contraceptives varies widely among Hindus and Muslims, across India but are mostly invariant across states and districts, and this pervasiveness of the differ-, ences in their respective reproductive behavior calls for complementary ‘‘global explanations.’. Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials have also, declined from 0.8 children in NFHS-2 to less than 0.5 children in NFHS-3, denoting that the overall. Results from the logistic regression analysis further reveals that the influence of women’s educational level on contraceptive use remains highly significant even after factoring in other socio-economic and cultural variables. The significance, of religious affiliation in the study of Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials in West Bengal has, received little prior attention and thus its investigation assumes importance. The sa, Hindu–Muslim, population growth, fertility differentials, characteristics hypothesis, interaction, hypothesis, binary logistic regression, multiple classification analysis, West Bengal, It is universally accepted that fertility enjoys central importance in population change analysis and, consequently forms a vital component of societal development studies, such as class, caste, religion, sociocultural norms, and values and thus differs across regions as the, The reproductive behavior of populations reflect the, prevailing fertility rates. Here, it may be stated that the higher than average fertility among Muslims is the critical, end product of their relatively poverty-stricken socioeconomic situation, this surmise becoming, apparent after a careful examination of the derived result (Table 4), which reveals, for instance, that, of the 1.02 points variation, more than 55 percent (0.58) is responsible for socioeconomic factors and, only 0.44 points remain for religion, after adjustment. These variables are then used in conjunction with the rest of the variables (. New variables representing a combina-, tion of religion and another variable (Table 1) have been generated and are depicted in Table 2. n of housing tenure choice in urbanizing India. The state capital, Kolkata, has also recorded the lowest. Due to the absence of reliable vital statistics for Indian districts, fertility levels are assessed using a set of indirect methods. tility differentials, though their use has accelerated. The data for 2020 & 2021 is under process and will be updated in few weeks. Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials in West Bengal, India, are examined through characteristics and interaction hypotheses tests using National Family Health Survey-3 data. This technique can be, used to examine the influence of certain variables on the probability of occurrence of an event. 2014-ID821436, 2014, doi:10.1155/2014/821436. tive span conforming to the age-specific fertility rate. Fertility and Religion: Glimpses of Prior Research. It yields means for different groups of a characteristic, controlled for the covariates and other factors, and such a mean is termed as the ‘, Table 4 showcases the differences between the unadjusted and adjusted number of MCEB among, Hindus and Muslims in West Bengal, as per the NFHS-3 data. In our study there was no strong evidence of voluntary childlessness as well as decline in the importance of marriage, family and children as posited by SDT. (Mumbai, India: International Institute of Population Sciences, 1995). (Mumbai, India: International Institute of Population Sciences, 2008), 24. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. However, stark differences in rural-urban fertility rates have existed over the last few decades in West Bengal, but these have now started to narrow. women aged between fifteen and forty-nine years. The large difference between the adjusted means value and that for the, economic factors considered in the model. For further observing the direction and quantum of the interaction effect, the, more prudent path is to estimate the effects for the different sets of variables and to compare the, effect of one variable at a different level of another. Fertility transition has been underway for both Hindus and Muslims, at a varying pace, when compared to the state-level indirect estimates of the 2001 Census. Marital duration was included as covariates. cause of these differentials in this state. lions hailing from various religious communities such as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs and others, from her very inception. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilize them in a liquid in a laboratory. To address the principal objectives outlined above, this article has incorporated three principal meth-, ods (Figure 1) that are discussed subsequently. Estimation of TFRs at the state level by employing Arriaga variation of the P/F ratio method strongly corresponds, Contraception, the prevention of pregnancy through temporary or permanent means, can act as an effective instrument for achieving population stabilization in any region. Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (ESA)—Population Division Publication Metadata, esa/population/publications/WFR2009_Web/Data/Meta_Data/CHILDREN, Dynamics of Fertility Transition in West Bengal, India,’, proportion of women who move from a given parity to the next during their lifetime. children are far likelier to have a greater difference in the MCEB across both these religious groups, followed by women who desire to have three sons or more (i.e., 1.15 for two sons and, sons or more). The State is testing about 35,000 samples a day and the case positivity ratio remains at 7.5 %. West Bengal is the fourth most populated state of India housing 7.55 percent of the nation’s total, population. The Hindu population in West Bengal was 78% in 1951 while in Bangladesh it was 22% (9239000). Son preference among Hindus and Muslims, in the context of ‘ultra-low’ fertility, is highly debated with respect to fertility and contraceptive use differentials by religion. The. 3,647 Hindu, women and 1,259 Muslim women, amounting to a total sample of 4,906 currently married women, aged between fifteen and forty-nine years has thus been considered in this study. Indeed, while some religious influence is noted as regards, contraceptive use among Muslim women, other parameters like their degree of autonomy, their role, in the household decision-making process, and their interactions with the world outside their home, environment also regulate their family planning choices. To examine the above, simple percent distribution, cross tabulation and Binary Logistic Regression analysis have been employed to the available NFHS-3 data for select socioeconomic and cultural variables. West Bengal Population by Religion. The derived results make it possible to observe that the dif-, ferentials of fertility in terms of the MCEB across urban and rural areas vary little (a variation of 0.22, and 0.25, respectively), implying no significant religion to place of residence interaction effects on, the MCEB and furthermore, as already substantiated before, the religion to place of residence inter-, action effect was statistically insignificant at the time of variance analysis (see Table, and its MCA results tabulated (Table 9). for the whole of West Bengal was 2.92, 2.29, and 2.27, respectively, as far as the NFHS-1, NFHS-2, and NFHS-3 data sets are concerned. Despite this regressive trend in fertility, still, there is a 1.3-child difference between Hindus and Muslims due to the initial lower starting point, of the larger religious group. ORs derived from logistic regression analysis reveal that contraceptive use is relatively high. It is this difference in fertility among the two dominant religious, groups of this state that has been examined in this study. ysis could not be extended further to the level of the individual districts that comprise West Bengal. While much literature exists on the relationships between the fertility level and its influencing demographic, economic, socio-cultural and policy-related factors, the potential spatial variations in the effects of these factors on the fertility level remain unaddressed. patterns of family building process from a woman’s own birth to her first childbirth. Religious beliefs were the most commonly cited barrier to use contraceptives especially surgical sterilization. Population Policy and Reproductive Health. Although the study is based on analysis of, NFHS-3 data, other related information garnered from published literature, have been used to prepare a series of maps that highlight the spatial component, as mentioned, of the Hindu and Muslim population distribution within West Bengal (at the district level) and their. C. Manning and P. Zuckerman (Toronto, Canada: Thomson, Health and Population: Perspective and Issues. Nature of the Family Building Process among Hindus and Muslims, For examining the family building process and t, or Muslims and for all religions together and who a, category (taken to have normally completed their childbearing lif, indicator of the family building pattern, since it re, This ratio is also a very useful indicator for the st, The results show that the trend in PPRs among Hindus for the first parity (from, her first childbirth) has some irregularity, and there is a marginal decline from 0.956 to 0.842. for sons do not show any significant role in contraceptive use among Muslim women. Birth rate of West Bengal fell gradually from 17.9 births per 1000 inhabitants in 2007 to 15.2 births per 1000 inhabitants in 2017. Lean Library can solve it. time fertility experience (cumulative fertility) up to the moment at which the data are collected. In West Bengal, though fertility is well below replacement level in urban areas (1.6 children per woman), and it is also below replacement level in rural areas (1.9 children per woman), about 23.81% of women had higher fertility in 2015–2016. Other chapters consider the trends in total fertility rates of selected countries, including Colombia, Kenya, Korea, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, France, and United States. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts, Did you struggle to get access to this article? When an, interaction is present, the impact of one factor depends on the level of the other factors. India has gradually progressed into fertility transition over the last few decades. considered as a key factor which influences the fertility decisions taken by them. As far as Muslim women are concerned, the value at the. level, denoting the strong religion to women education interaction effect on fertility. It is noticed that the adjusted MCEB is higher than the, grand mean among both Hindu and Muslim women at the poorest-poorer, middle-richer, and richest. The fertility rate of Muslim households fell from 3.4 to 2.6. The results reveal that the difference in the, adjusted MCEB between Muslims and Hindus was about 0.07 children (1.42, women having no preferences for a male child. This product could help you, Accessing resources off campus can be a challenge. These women are in need of a contraceptive which they can use confidentially and is devoid of adverse effects. Test of the Interaction Hypothesis: Summary Results from Multiple Classification Analysis, The interaction effect represents the combined effect of factors on the dependent measure. Thus, it may be comprehended that in West Bengal, the differentials of contraceptive use among, Hindus and Muslims differ widely (as denoted by the differences in OR) in each and every, their individual socioeconomic and cultural characteristics, norms and values and perhaps this partly, ushers in the marked fertility differentials between them. technique to analyze this supposition lucidly. Yes, the 0-6 year population data shows that Muslims do have higher fertility rates. However, attitude of husband and family was mostly considered to be unfavourable for the use of contraception and to limit the family size. differences in socioeconomic characteristics, and thus ultimately, the ‘‘characteristics hypothesis’, gets accepted and shows that the higher than average fertility among Muslims is an, relatively poorer socioeconomic conditions and comparative developmental backwardness. Using the most recent district-level census data for India, this nationwide study has identified plausible spatial dependencies and heterogeneities in the relationships between the respective district-wise Total Fertility Rate (TFR) and their relevant demographic, socioeconomic and cultural factors. Figures in parentheses indicate odds ratios. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905. Son Preference and Hindu–Muslim Fertility Differentials in ‘Ultra-low’... Reading the geography of India’s district-level fertility differential... View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. To explore the interaction effect, this method, is applied here by incorporating the explanatory variables. eligion resulting in fertility differentials. is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Presidency University, Kolkata. However, if it is apparent that religious differentials do exist even within socioeconomic, groups, the characteristics hypothesis shall not be able to justify the differences. Thus, the, characteristics hypothesis gets sufficient support as far as Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials are, concerned. The study further reveals that the gap of the adjusted, MCEB among Muslims and Hindus narrows down gradually from 0.55, tility differences (MCEB) are likely to be wider at the lower level of women education and that the, gap tends to reduce gradually as the level of education, particularly among the women in these two, religious groups, increases in this state. vides large-scale individual-level data for men and women pertaining to their reproductive behavior, fertility, child health, family planning, and contraceptive use, among others, at the national and sub-, national level, under different filenames. Religion and place of residence (urban or rural). Dependent variable: mean children ever born (cumulative fertility), The PPRs simply provide an idea of the progression trend from one parity to the next. Click the button below for the full-text content, 24 hours online access to download content. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. A difference of 1.3 children in the TFR still persists among, Hindus and Muslims, but this is likely to get reduced over time since even though fertility is, modestly high among Muslims, its propensity to decline is much faster than among the members of, The study highlights that the existing Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials in West Bengal are the, critical ramifications of their individual socioeconomic characteristics and diverse reproductive, behaviors, and not simply due to religion effect per se, since it confirms that this factor alone can, explain no more than 44 percent of the total differentials. Multiple classification analysis implies prevalent socioeconomic characteristics cause this fertility differential. It is further seen that fertility decline among Muslims, has been relatively higher compared to Hindus from 1984 to 2005–2006. The graphs reveal that there are, between religion and the select socioeconomic factors included in the model, since none of the lines, appear as parallels to each other, though some of the variable interactions (like that between religion, and place of residence) did not exhibit a very significant effect on fertility, as shown earlier through, Differentials in Contraceptive Use: Findings from the Logistic Regression Model, Contraception, the avoidance of pregnancy through temporary or permanent ways, can be a fruitful. Fertility differences are also noticed between lesser- and better-educated women groups, implying a strong religion–women education level interaction effect. Growth rate of Hindu population (2001–2011). Religion wise, Hinduism is the major religion in West Bengal with 70.5%, followed by Muslim with 27%. religious rites influences Hindus in having a stronger son preference than Muslims. Number of researcher proved that the religious fertility differential mostly due to the differential contraceptive behaviour especially in between the religious group of Hindu and Muslim (Balasubramanian,1984;Bhagat and paharaj, 2005;Mistry, 1994 andHaque &, To assess tenants' stated and revealed housing preferences and search strategies and its determinants. . In the twenty first century, fertility of the Sagar district is very high and not reached the satisfactory outcome to implementation of the family welfare program. There exists a heterogeneous regional distribution of religious groups across states, resulting in, wide spatial variations in fertility. A marginal difference has been seen for contraceptive practice, displaying ample gaps in the middle and higher level of husband education, wealth status, number, of living children, and media exposure, followed by women empowerment and denotes the fluctu-, ating effects of religion on the same. BACKGROUND: Fertility pattern has some influence on health of mother and child as well as it can resist population growth. Education of women can help a lot in the long-term for improving women's reproductive health. Crude birth rate among Hindus and Muslims in West Bengal (2001). Even If the Hindu fertility rate is 1.4, and the Muslim fertility rate is 1.8, Muslims will overtake Hindus by 2140, according to mathematical calculation. tility differs by religion at the combined level but not within the individual socioeconomic groups, one could surmise that the aggregate differences are basically induced by variations in the charac-, teristic nature of the respective religions as regards how they influence or direct family planning, Proportion of women aged forty-five plus years. The present study also confirms a strong religion and women education level interaction effect on, the MCEB adjusted for relevant select socioeconomic factors (Table 11). 900 married respondent between the aged 15-49 years of the district interviewed and Census of India data used as a secondary source. The 1965 National Fertility Study is the third in a continuing series of major studies of American fertility. The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or, Results from Aggregate Cross-national Data,’’, 2. The values further indicate that there, is a marked difference in the unadjusted means (1.02) displaying variation in the combined level that, possibly arises due to variations in other characteristics. the replacement level low fertility of 2.27. Owing to the dichotomous nature of the dependent variable, technique of binary logistic regression analysis has also been adopted here. If the fer-. Rather, far from it, in reality. Health and Population Perspectives and Issues. tings are likely to be more responsible for such differentials in fertility among these two groups. Basically, an OR of less than one reveals that the specific groups have a lesser. The total fertility rate of India stands at 2.2 as of 2017. be expected that women having lower self or monetary autonomy have a higher propensity for sons. fertility rate (TFR). West Bengal's total fertility rate was 1.6, way below Bihar's 3.4, which is the highest in the entire country. Bengal needs to be delved into further, instead of just generalizing on the basis of popular notions. th parity (e.g., 4th, 3rd, 3rd/2nd, 2nd/1st parity, etc. Due to high fertility rate among West Bengal Muslims and illegal immigration from Bangladesh, the percentage of Muslim population is approximately doubling in a span of 100 years (starting from 19% in 1951 to a projection of 40% in 2061), if the total fertility rate and illegal immigration of Muslims from Bangladesh continues. Contraceptive use among, Hindu women aged between thirty and thirty-nine years, who enjoy partial and full media exposure, and degree of empowerment, and have at least two or three living children is quite higher than that, among similar Muslim women. Summary Results of Multiple Classification Analysis on the Effect of Religion on the Number of Chil-, Computed and evaluated by authors from National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-3, Statistic—This statistic can be used for assessing the bivariate rela-. Organized into nine chapters, this book begins with an overview of the mechanisms through which socioeconomic variables influence fertility. This book discusses as well the effects of deliberate marital fertility control through contraception and induced abortion. ... 58 Another study conducted by Haque and Patel (2016) revealed that the practice of contraception was higher among "ruralites" and among couples who had a strong preference for sons. Contraception, the prevention of pregnancy through temporary or permanent means, can act as an effective instrument for achieving population stabilization in any region. Only in Jammu & Kashmir did fertility reach its peak in the age group 30-34. Assessing Hindu–Muslim Fertility Differentials in West Bengal. Other barriers include fear of side-effects about IUDs and prejudiced behaviour of health care providers. Indeed, the examination of interactions, indicates that the religion effect on fertility is not persistent across all socioeconomic levels or fac-, tors. Hindu–Muslim fertility differentials in West Bengal, India, are examined through characteristics and interaction hypotheses tests using National Family Health Survey-3 data. Results reveal most Hindu women have at least two births while Muslim women are likely to have at least four births, before avoiding subsequent births. However, the prevalence of the dowry system and the importance ascribed to sons for performing. Article uses the 2011 Census figures a strong religion–women education level interaction as! In 2007 to 15.2 births per 1000 inhabitants in 2017 ale than the NFHS-3 data.. 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